Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Diane Ravitch: Write The Regents About Commissioner John King

A NY Parent Objects to Commissioner King’s Cancellation of Parent Meetings

by dianerav
John King, Commissioner of New York's education system, was booed repeatedly when he held his first parent meeting in upstate New York. The parents expressed their low opinion of his policies, his mandates, the Common Core, the Pearson testing, and the contempt King shows for teachers, principals, and public schools.
He opted out. He canceled all future public meetings with parents.
This Long Island parent recommends that parents write a letter to Governor Cuomo. Good idea. But even better to send a letter or email to the New York Board of Regents; that board approves state policy and appoints the State Commissioner. He works for them.
First I will appoint the parent's letter, then a list of the members of the Board of Regents:
"Dear Governor Cuomo, I'm writing to express my incredible displeasure at Commissioner John B. King, Jr.'s decision to cancel the state sponsored PTA town hall meetings. As parents, we have legitimate concerns regarding his educational reform policies that are affecting our children. He must have the decency to listen to our concerns and defend his decisions publicly. This is inexcusable, and he must be held accountable.
On Tuesday night, I was looking forward to asking him what evidence he had that it was educationally beneficial or a valid measure of learning to include reading passages on the 3rd grade ELA exam that the average 3rd grader would only understand 50% of the reading material according to our understanding of lexile levels.
If the State's education reform agenda is sincere in its efforts to improve teaching and learning for our children and not a thinly veiled effort to privatize public education for profit, it is imperative that corrective measures be taken now as a gesture of good faith. I implore you to immediately decrease the duration and frequency of testing, to ensure that the tests be returned to the schools and families so they can be used to make sound educational decisions that impact learning, and eliminate student test scores from teacher evaluations since VAM has been judged to be too unstable by the same people who developed it.
Many Long Island parents, like myself, moved to this region or chose to remain here because of the quality schools that have existed for decades. The Commissioner's policies are threatening our children's learning experiences. The canceling of these important meetings is further evidence of the Commissioner's arrogance. Though the Commissioner is not an elected official, he is appointed by people that are and as one of my elected officials I am requesting that you listen and respond to our concerns.
Keith Gamache
(Parent of Everett age 7 Centre Ave. School, East Rockaway and Atticus age 4 future kindergartner)
231 Ocean Ave.
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Dear ___________________, I'm writing to express my incredible displeasure at Commissioner John B. King, Jr.'s decision to cancel the state sponsored PTA town hall meetings. As parents, we have legitimate concerns regarding his educational reform policies that are affecting our children. He must have the decency to listen to our concerns and defend his decisions publicly. This is inexcusable, and he must be held accountable.
On Tuesday night, I was looking forward to asking him...insert your question here.
Many Long Island parents, like myself, moved to this region or chose to remain here because of the quality schools that have existed for decades. The Commissioner's policies are threatening our children's learning experiences. The canceling of these important meetings is further evidence of the Commissioner's arrogance. Though the Commissioner is not an elected official, he is appointed by people that are and as one of my elected officials I am requesting that you listen and respond to our concerns.
Children's School
Here are their personal emails.
abottar@bottarleone.com, mhtisch@mhtisch.com; assistant@mhtisch.com,
bennrbrt@aol.com, bettyarosa@aol.com, cbendit@tacon.com,christine.cea@opwdd.ny.gov,
REGENTCHAPEY@MAIL.NYSED.GOV,harryphil236@gmail.com, james.cottrell@downstate.edu,
REGENTDAWSON@MAIL.NYSED.GOV, jinternetjack@earthlink.net, jtallon@uhfnyc.org,
lyoung11@nyc.rr.com, maggiemadonna5@aol.com, roger@tillesco.com,abrown@brownhutchinson.com;
They also have official ones listed here:

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